Adam Nelson

Hey! I'm Adam Nelson, and this is my website!
I'm a professional and hobbyist software developer interested in esoteric programming languages, type systems, decentralized social media, and tons of other nerd stuff.
Tapir is my current focus project. (GitHub link) It's a single-user, Mastodon-compatible Fediverse server and CMS written in Deno. It's still not in a usable state, but, once it's ready, I'll probably replace this site with a Tapir instance!
Some of my older, dormant projects:
- Osmosis, an attempt at a CRDT data sync library that's awaiting a full redesign
- Spartan Schema, a minimal Typescript JSON schema library used in Osmosis and Tapir
- Schemepunk, a batteries-included alternate standard library for 7 Scheme dialects
- Jaspr, an experimental JSON-Lisp programming language
Other Links
- My Mastodon account (the main place I post)
- My résumé